Respectful Relationships & School Values

Respectful Relationships & School Values

Respectful Relationships

Victoria’s Respectful Relationships initiative supports school leaders, educators and our school communities to promote and model respect and equality – and to teach our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. Our students participate in a range of mindfulness activities in their classrooms and selected students participate in the Peaceful Kids program, a weekly, small group activity that focuses students in on themselves and helps them to develop strategies that support resilience.

School Values

At Fish Creek and District Primary School, we have three core values that underpins all that we do; respect, fairness and commitment. These values were decided upon by School Council in consultation with parents, teachers and students and they are referred to in everyday school activities and social interactions. Our values do not only apply to students; parent and staff groups are also expected to live by them in their respective interactions as role models for students.